
Monday, November 25, 2013

Add This One Thing to Your Celebration to Make it the Best Holiday Season Ever

While you are Giving Thanks & Connecting with those you care about this Holiday Season, learn to add Acknowledging to the Appreciation you express and witness amazing shifts start to happen.

From Being the Shift by Steve Stay

Acknowledging is recognizing and expressing specific appreciation for the value you personally receive from other's words or actions. 

To Acknowledge is to expand on the Appreciation by stating specifically how you feel you have personally benefited from the other persons words or actions. “It feels good to know that you are interested in and value my perspective”rather than only saying: “Thank you” or “I appreciate you”.

Acknowledging is about YOUR feelings.  Without adding Acknowledging, your expression of Appreciation turns into Praise.  Praise is about judging their behavior as good or bad, right or wrong. 

Try “It feels so great to see you”, rather than a loaded Praised filled comment like, “Whoa, you look so great!”

This is one time it needs to be all about you, sharing how you feel you have benefited emotionally from the relationship and not your opinion of the other person's words or behavior.

Here are some other examples of Acknowledgments for this Holiday Season:

-    I love how I feel when I’m around you.

-    There are few people I can really pour my heart out to....thanks for being one of them.

-    My life feels better because you are a part of it.

-    I appreciate how you smile when I enter a room.  It helps me feel valuable.

-    I cannot quit smiling when you are around.  Thanks!  I love that feeling.

-    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life; it brings me so much joy.

-    Thank you, I can feel/sense your interest/energy/concern/warmth

-    I love watching you play/sing/dance/laugh/share/help others/read/cook/love our children

-    I love who you are, you help me feel safe/joyful/better about myself/excited about life

For a more detailed description on Acknowledging, download the Free e-book “Being The Shift” at  Like our Facebook page

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Welcome to Being the Shift

Welcome to Being the Shift

Thank You! 

It feels good to know that you are interested in and value my perspective enough to take the time and energy to discover what “Being the Shift” is all about.

I love the amazing people that are attracted to this information.  It’s truly inspiring and brings me joy as I witness your passion for wanting to get the most out of life.

I appreciate you allowing me be a part of your journey for the next few minutes, as my life feels expanded in a beautiful way as a result of this time together.

Relax, there is nothing to buy.  “Being the Shift” is my free gift to you.

My name is Steve Stay and like most people, I have a history rich in mistakes and downright screw ups as well as times where I look like a freakin’ genius. 

“Being the Shift” was created as a personal reminder of a practice that felt really good. A practice, that every time I experimented with it, positive transformations immediately started taking place in my life.  For some crazy reason I would gradually slip away from it, then at some future date start practicing it again when I really needed some positive changes in my life.  It always delivers.

I originally started sharing the concept and practice with those around me to see if it would keep me engaged.

Then I witnessed a valuable additional benefit.  They too felt better doing the practice and it is so much easier to feel good myself when the circle of people around me are feeling good.

My current intention is to share “Being the Shift” with a much larger circle and witness the transformation that takes place when a million “Shifters” are assisting each other in practicing “Being the Shift” each day.

I am thrilled that “Being the Shift” has found you. I believe in you and I invite you to be the next member of our community of “Shifters” and personally witness what beautiful life transforming results it manifest for you.

Thank you in advance for the positive ripple your “Shifting” will be creating and spreading into our incredible world. 

Steve Stay

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FREE "Being the Shift" e-book
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